Distributed management of bio토토 가입머니(토토 가입머니Trust Vault)

Korea's only financial source distributed management tenant, customer bio 토토 가입머니 distributed management solution to prevent personal 토토 가입머니 leakage

To enhance personal 토토 가입머니Bio-토토 가입머니 distributed management solution

Ease of connection

High compatibility with existing systemsand scalable development features
Not dependent on the FEB systemSelf-specialized processing function
With 128 bit or more encryptionSecure 토토 가입머니metric data protection
Financial Payment Service Bio 토토 가입머니 Distributed ManagementPerformance assessment passed

Using AI for distributed management of bio토토 가입머니Various core technologies

Bio-토토 가입머니 extraction

In order to extract customer biometric data, we collect unique biometric 토토 가입머니 from customers using technologies such as facial features/face matching.

토토 가입머니 data registration

The customer's extracted biometric 토토 가입머니 is divided into pieces that cannot be authenticated and registered on each agency's server.

토토 가입머니-data authentication

Identity verification is carried out by combining the customer's distributed biometric 토토 가입머니.

Repartition/deletion of bio 토토 가입머니

In order to manage customer 토토 가입머니metric data, we safely redivide or discard 토토 가입머니metric data.

Biao 토토 가입머니 Distributed Management SolutionSystem diagram

About AI solutions for distributed management of bio토토 가입머니Find out more